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September 2015
The Editors Letter ere we are then in September. The seventh month in the Roman calendar (‘Septem’ - seven) but both the Julian and Gregorian version put it back a bit – after 153BC that is. If you happen to be born in September your birthstone is a sapphire - nice! September also sees the Autumn equinox, the passage from Summer to Autumn; and thanks to the obliquity of the ecliptic (Hah!) the disappearance of the sun over the celestial equator into the southern hemisphere. And personally, it’s my favourite time of year. From a classical perspective, if you’re Greek Persephone returns to the underworld with hubby Hades; if you’re Japanese, you celebrate the spirits of the dead reaching Nirvana, and nearer home, we celebrate the (hopefully successful) Harvest, Michaelmas and the start of preparations for the Winter close down. That’s lessons over with for today then ‘cause these days, of course, it means those flippin’ Christmas ads from Coca Cola and M&S, Strictly-come-bleedin’-Dancing, and the first appearance of Easter eggs in the shops. Oh well! It also means we are heading towards the end of a year dominated by remembrances of World War II and all the valour; horror; tragedy and comradeship that went with it. From a local perspective it has also brought about the publication of the latest book by one of our treasured Kirton characters and historians, Stanley Naylor; a chap far more worthy than I, and I’d like to give the rest of this space over to him.
Retail price is £5.95 and includes post & packing in the UK only. Make cheques payable to: Sibsey Lancaster Memorial Trust and post to: Stanley Naylor, 15 Edinburgh Crescent, Kirton, Boston, PE20 1JT. Tel: 01205 722594. Signed copies can be collected from the above address for £5.00. Regards, Stanley Naylor
The Kirton Church Fund June marked the start of our fourth year of the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw and I’ve had a look back through the books. Out of the 38 draws (and 78 prizes) since we started we have had 40 different winners with 19 people winning more than once. We now have only 44 people taking part, as sadly 2 dropped out on renewal, so there is plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Not already a member? Then why don’t you come and join us? You too could win! Anyone over 18 may take part. You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529. The August draw takes place on Sunday 30th and the winning numbers will be printed in the October magazine. The September draw takes place on Sunday 27th and the winning numbers will be printed in the November magazine. For more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring on 01205 72352. June 2015 Winners 1st PRIZE - £36.08 - TICKET NUMBER: 35 July 2015 Winners 1st PRIZE - £36.01 - TICKET NUMBER: 47
Fosdyke Vintage Tractor Run A total of £3345.22 was raised at this years Vintage Tractor Run held at Fosdyke, through sponsorship, entry fees, cake stall, refreshments, donations, auction and raffle. All proceeds were presented to Macmillan Cancer Support locally. We are very grateful to everyone who supported the event in any way and look forward to next years tractor run which will be on Sunday 8th May 2016 at Fosdyke Playing Field. Many thanks! Julie
Letters to the Editor Dear Sam, in a recent issue of Kirton News you published an article Titled “Four things you probably never know your mobile phone could do”. However, the content of the article was misleading and wrong some cases. Calling 112 on your cell phone will (in some parts of the world, primarily Europe) connect you to local emergency services, even if you are outside your provider’s service area (i.e., even if you are not authorized to relay signals through the cell tower that handles your call), and many cell phones allow the user to place 112 calls even if the phone lacks a SIM card or its keypad is locked. It does not work all over the world. Cars with remote keyless entry (RKE) systems cannot be unlocked by relaying a key fob transmitter signal via a cellular telephone. RKE systems and cell phones utilize different types of signals and transmit them at different frequencies. The claim that pressing the sequence *3370# will unleash “hidden battery power” in a cell phone seems to be a misunderstanding of an option available on some brands of cell phone (such as Nokia) for Half Rate Codec, which provides about 30% more talk time on a battery charge at the expense of lower sound quality. However, this option is enabled by pressing the sequence *#4720# — the sequence *3370# actually enables Enhanced Full Rate Codec, which provides better sound quality at the expense of shorter battery life. It does not release any hidden power in the battery. Entering the sequence *#06# into a cell phone may display a 15-digit identification string, but that function only works with some types of cell phones, and the efficacy of reporting the ID number to a cellular service provider to head off unauthorized use of a lost or stolen phone is limited. If your phone is stolen. You should report a lost or stolen phone to the police immediately. You should also inform your service provider and your insurance firm as soon as possible. Your provider will be able to place a bar or block on your SIM to stop calls being made on your account. You will only need your mobile number to do that. ATM PIN reversal to warn police that you are being robbed seems like a good idea and in practice it may prove to be useful but the fact of that matter is that this system is not in place in the UK, and this has been confirmed by the fraud departments of 4 major UK high street banks. In fact 2 of the banks had said they’d never even heard of it before while one laughed and said they’d been made aware of it and the fourth simply stated “it isn’t a technology that we use and as far as I’m aware no-one in the UK uses it.”. Furthermore according to the North Wales Police website this information should be ignored and not passed along. They state “If you receive this email or one similar to it please ignore it. The advice contained in the email is false, so there is no reason to forward the email onto anyone else. Rob Smith, Kirton
Kirton Kids ClubKirton Kids Club opens it door again on the first day the primary school opens for the children each new term. The club opens at 7.30 am for breakfast club and closes in the afternoon at 5.45pm after school. Before and after school session children are escorted to or from the school by club staff. The club is housed in the Youth Centre next to the village church and has its own car park to the front and fenced in outside space to the back. Sessions cost £3.50 per child per session in the morning and £5.50 per child per session after school. There is a 10% discount for related siblings booked into the same session. Breakfast club includes a choice of hot or cold breakfast menu plus a drink. After school includes a ‘high tea’ with a drink. Children are able to take part in numerous activities, use inside and outside play equipment, snooker and football tables as well as toys and media games. Older children have the use of a ‘chill out room’ with xbox and wii, sofas, books and play equipment. Ofsted and Charity registered. Website: kirtonkidsclub.co.uk Email Address: kkc09@live.co.uk.
The Sutterton Food Bank The Food Bank is up and running in St Mary’s Church Sutterton on Friday mornings from 10am to 12noon. It is not just for the people of Sutterton, but for anyone in our local communities who needs it. For those in need, enough food for 3 days can be accessed on production of a voucher. Our vouchers are interchangeable with those of the Boston Food Bank, open on Tuesday and Thursday from 12noon until 2pm, at St Christopher’s Church Fenside. Vouchers can be obtained from various organisations such as Children’s Centres, Schools, Nurseries, Citizens Advice Bureau, Social Services, Mayflower and Healthcare Professionals. If you know of anyone who is in a crisis situation and where the Food Bank could help please direct them to one of these organisations as the Food Bank can only provide food to those with a voucher. The food is largely donated by the general public. If you would like to donate items such as: cereal, jam, biscuits, pasta, tea bags, tins of soup, beans, spaghetti, macaroni, vegetables, rice pudding, there is a box in St Mary’s Church, and many other local churches and supermarkets. If anyone would like to know more about the Sutterton Food Bank please contact me on: 01205 460386. Janet
Award Winners!
Emma Gilbert, Nursery Manager would like to thank all the children, parents and staff that participated in helping us to achieve this award. Fantastic result everyone!
A lot is happening at Kirton Parish Church Services, Baptisms and Weddings With no permanent priest at present, the 10.30am Sunday services continue to be taken by an enthusiastic group of retired local ministers. We thank them for their unstinting help and support and for their varied and thought provoking sermons. Our neighbouring priest, Reverend Charles Sowden of the Frampton and Wyberton group of churches, has been of great assistance to Kirton Church. He has added our 9.30am Thursday morning service to his already busy schedule, as well as undertaking the Kirton Church baptisms and wedding services. Many thanks to the Reverend Charles. The Kirton Church Flower Festival, 26th June – 28th June, was well supported by a large number of sponsors with beautiful flower displays, and with donations. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the great success of this year’s church flower festival. This was the first flower festival to be held in Kirton Parish Church for a number of years. We hope to make it a popular and regular event on the local calendar, along with the annual Christmas Tree Festival. Both events welcome the support and active participation of all local clubs, societies, schools, churches, organisations and businesses, as well as individuals. This year Kirton Parish Church will be holding its 6th Christmas Tree Festival on Sat/Sun 5th & 6th December and Sat/Sun 12th & 13th December 2015. All sponsors who have regularly supported the Christmas Tree Festivals will be contacted during September. New sponsors should contact Margaret Ormston 01205 722052. Kirton Parish Church continues to support the Boston Food Bank and the Boston Women’s Aid Charity. Donations of dried food, tinned food and toiletries are given to these two local charities by the church congregation on a regular basis. Donations are always welcome and can be brought into church on a Thursday, a Saturday morning or a Sunday morning. The monthly social afternoon is held on the first Wednesday of the month, 2pm – 4pm. It is a relaxed afternoon get-together. You can sit and chat, or join in an activity. Everyone is welcome to come along. You do not have to be a church member. Admission is £1 which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. Kirton Parish Church produces its own newsletter with news and information about the Kirton Group of Churches, comprising of Kirton, Algarkirk and Fosdyke Parish Churches. This newsletter is well supported by church members, and by other members of the community who like to support the church. Further information from Margaret Ormston 01205 722052.
Wanted: 10pin Bowlers for Wednesday mornings at Boston Bowl to play in the white Heather League from 10pm to 12 noon, Start ASAP: price £2 per game max 3 games a match. Free tea, coffee & biscuits. Play in all ready formed league. Interested? Call Boston Bowl on 01205 359525 or A. Limb on 01205 723102
Parish Council News: Miniutes of the meeting of Chairman’s Comments After the recent walkabout with Highways the Chairman reported all areas previously reported were inspected with the Highways Officer. Photographs were taken for reference and a schedule of works was promised by the end of the month. Highways however, have been hit with budget costs and it is understood that not all work needed will be done, as priority is given to the worst cases. The CCTV has not been working in the village and yet again the Council has not been informed of this. The portfolio holder has agreed that the Council should be reimbursed by a pro rata amount. It was resolved that no further payment should be made until the CCTV is working properly. There have been a few incidents of anti-social behaviour in the village. The Police/PCSOs are aware. The Police Inspector has agreed to put Kirton on its task force which means a greater number of patrols in the village. An idea to stop the graffiti on the skate park is to hold a competition to design something to be professionally graffiti sprayed onto the skate park. Clerk will contact a local artist for prices. Thanks to those who have done weeding in the village and spruced up the wood work. Thanks were given to Cllr Hannay who has arranged with the fire station that they will change the flag when it needs changing. The Chairman also thanked Cllr Brookes for chasing up the Station Road flooding matter with Highways. He has informed the Chairman that additional gullies will be added to Station Road and the footways will be improved as soon as funding allows, however, it is hoped that this will be done in either the October or February school holidays. Finally, the chairman informed members that there will be a service for Armed Forces day which is the weekend of the 27th/28th June at the Methodist Church (service will be held on the Sunday). Apologies for absence and reason given Cllr Edwards and Carter and Fitzgerald gave their apologies and reasons for absence which were accepted by the council. 87/15 Receipt of any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any written requests for dispensations in relation to members’ disclosable pecuniary interests. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting It was resolved after a proposal by Cllr Smith which was seconded by Cllr Danby and agreed by the remainder, that the notes from the meeting on the 21stMay, previously circulated were a true account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes. Police Matters No Police attended but an email of incidents which had arisen since the last meeting had been forwarded to the Clerk: 1 x Theft of diesel – Undetected Viewpoints on questions from members of the public No residents attended. Report from the minutes of the previous meeting/Clerk’s report a) Road repair needed attention outside 6 King Street – reported to LCC ref 1333927 b) Overgrown Hedges/trees at Junction of Princess Road/London Road reported to LCC Correspondence received which the Council are invited to resolve on 1) Update re Wash Road/Princess Road site. The Development Officer still has not heard back from Western Power as to whether the bollards can be erected. However, he feels that they will not be as important now that building work is due to commence shortly on the site and that CCTV will be being installed on site too. Members were unhappy with this and Cllr Brookes will speak to Mr Humphries again. Clerk to forward copy of email received from Mr Humphries to Cllr Brookes. Matters for the attention of Lincolnshire County Councillors/Boston Borough Councillors a) Since the walk about some of the work agreed has already been carried out. This is a pleasing sign. b) A consultation document is out regarding the draft proposals for the speed limits around schools and on roads. This information was in the reading folder. Cllrs may make observations by the 27th July on the consultation. c) There are now 3 companies bidding on the right to run the libraries overall. They have now been invited to put in detailed plans. The Kirton library is still on track to move to the New Life Fellowship Church this Summer. (Cllrs Austin, Brookes and Rylott left the meeting) Planning applications: B/15/0185 – Application under s.73A for the variation of condition 6 attached to planning permission – B/14/0094 (outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of 140 dwellings with detailed consideration of access) to allow a reduction in the amount of affordable housing units at Land west of Boston Road, Kirton – NO OBJECTIONS. Determined Planning Applications Erection of eight detached and semi-detached dwellings including new individual and shared accesses from Horseshoe Lane (in accordance with revised proposals received 21 May 2018) – GRANT Erection of temporary single storey storage building ancillary to the existing Ripe Now Limited operations at Ripe Now Ltd, Skeldyke Road, Kirton – REFUSED Accounts for payment It was proposed by Cllr Lee, seconded by Cllr Ransome and agreed by the remainder that the accounts as per payment sheet 3 of 12 dated June 2015/16 should be paid. Town Hall A query had been made regarding having the blood bank hold their sessions at the Town Hall, Cllr Turner will follow up. Cemetery Cllr Foster complained that the cemetery did not look its best. He said that the kerb edged graves had many weeds growing in them and it made the cemetery look unkempt and definitely not up to the high standards that the council has. It was resolved that the Clerk should speak to the contractor about this. Also the hedge has not been cut, this is also to be chased by the Clerk. Some of the graves in the new section have sunk a little. Clerk to ask the grave digger to fill them up when he next is in the cemetery. Reports for Various Bodies Cllr Ransome passed on the Council’s thanks for the recent opening. She is to spend lunchtime with the children having school lunches soon. A Fete will be held soon with proceeds going to the school. Cllr Lee reported that the manhole cover previously reported to Highways on Boston Road is still missing. Clerk to chase. It was reported that the hedge from 20 Horseshoe Lane was so overgrown it was making passing on the pathway difficult – Clerk to report to Highways Another hedge overgrowing the pathway outside 97/98 London Road was reported. Clerk to report. Parish matters Recreation Project: Clerk to chase getting the bin installed. Inspection Rota: Cllr Lee took his turn. c) Consider quotations for work at War Memorial One more to get d) Consider quotations for cemetery path One more to get. e) Consider application for vacancy as councillor The application was considered and it was resolved to appoint Mrs Still as Councillor. Clerk to get paperwork sorted for her. f) Committees updates The Christmas carol/fete committee will be meeting shortly. The Last Night of the Proms and OAP Xmas party committees need to meet in July. Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting Date & Time of next Meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 16th July 2015 (Upsall Room, Kirton Town Hall). There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.10pm.
Frampton W.I.
Our July meeting went very well. We had a last minute change to the speaker and Chris Andrews from the RSPB stepped in gallantly with an amazing talk including pictures and actual (recorded) birdsong of our British birds commonly found in our very own gardens. Thank you so much Chris – if there is anyone out there who has not yet visited Frampton RSPB please pop along there is everything from art sculpture to hides, a beautiful walk and light refreshments in the visitor centre, oodles of car parking and dogs are welcome in some areas. Needless to say supper was amazing – the raffle ...competitive and the company second to none. We welcomed two new ladies both called Sarah and welcomed Gillian back for her second visit and she actually became a member. Did I tell you about out trip to Lincoln Castle? What a lovely day, the weather was hot and sunny, the coach cool and air conditioned, the castle and Magna Carta incredible and the ladies and some gentlemen who accompanied us were so very hot we managed to trigger the fire alarms while we were lunching! There was time for a little shopping.... We finished the day off in style with afternoon tea at the White Hart before a coach ride home. What a lovely day, many thanks go to our Vice President Val Cooper for organising it all for us. This August we congregated at the barge for an evening of frivolity and enormous portions of fish and chips..we also sang happy Birthday to Madge and had a thoroughly lovely evening...lets do it again ladies! Thursday 10th of September 2015 ....I’m wondering how many sleeps till Christmas!! ...will be our next proper meeting. The speaker will be Mr S Binks the subject, Mending Fences, ladies your guess is as good as mine but I’m thinking possibly not the garden variety? The competition something beginning with the letter E...I’ve already decided what mines going to be, how much do you weigh Elaine? I’m seriously lacking in points and there is a cup at the end of the year for the winner.....The refreshment ladies will be Jill Anne and Ann. Just before I go let me give you a quick heads up...We are delighted to announce Joel Hicks the totally fabulous Inspirational speaker will be our guest at a very special extra meeting October 20th at Wyberton. Google him - he’s amazing - then contact Carol- number below -for a ticket. £3 gets you a lovely supper and an evening with Joel, seats are limited and you don’t have to be a WI member......but it is ticket only.. We will be back in the Village Hall Frampton on Thursday September 10th. Come and join us we meet at 7:30 pm,Frampton Village Hall, Middlegate Road, Frampton. Your first taster visit is free. If you would like to know more about joining Frampton Women’s Institute call Ann McCoy(President) on 01205 366020 or Carol (Secretary) on 01205 722879 email: c.pattrick@tiscali.co.uk or me Vanessa (New Members) on 07955 763473 email:vanessajameson@btinternet.com
The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping: